Have you ever face problem of not knowing which side to poke that USB device into the hole? Might be a simple thing to resolve, but I can imagine some rare tards persistently poking in the device until all hell break lose. I’m not sure about you guys out there, but I’ve never had problems of poking my thumb drives into the holes. Then again, out of 100 people, there might be one that has that problem, and thinking that how many billions of people in this world, there might be a few thousand or more people that will be glad to have this new design.
To combat the problem of USB plug rejection, Ma Xi Xuan has developed the Double USB connector that works right side up or upside down thanks to twin spring-loaded plastic connectors on its interior. The design seems more robust than previous solutions we’ve seen, but sadly the switch-hitting plug is only a design exercise at this point. Hopefully this design will see the light of day, or else some innocent USB drives might be killed just because of the very low intelligence of some people.
SOURCE via Yanko Design